No funcionan correctamente las URL mi sitio wordpress

ya esta todo mi WordPress subido en el hosting, cuando abro mi sitio se ve todo completamente desordenado y lo raro es que al entrar al WP-ADMIN de mi sitio me manda para iniciar sesión en el localhost. no se que será pero las URL no están funcionando bien y no encontré forma de solucionarlo.


All my WordPress is already uploaded to the hosting, when I open my site everything looks completely disordered and the strange thing is that when I enter the WP-ADMIN of my site it tells me to log in to the localhost. I don’t know what it is but the URLs are not working well and I couldn’t find a way to solve it.

Hi Wasttord,

When uploading WordPress installations, be sure to update the settings that are stored in the database as well. Specifically you’ll be looking for the wp_options table where there’s 2 row that says siteurl and home, and you want to change that from localhost to your new domain here.



Hola Wasttord,

Al cargar instalaciones de WordPress, asegúrese de actualizar también la configuración almacenada en la base de datos. Específicamente, buscará la tabla wp_options donde hay 2 filas que dicen siteurl y home, y desea cambiar eso de localhost a su nuevo dominio aquí.




hola de nuevo, por ahora el sitio cargo mucho mejor que antes, y puedo ingresar al WP-ADMIN lo único que no funcionan correctamente son varias imágenes que no se visualizan, y las demás paginas de mi sitio WordPress les sale el Error interno de servidor 500. Este es el mayor problema que he tratado de arreglar y el cual me ha hecho crear varios host pero nada.


Hello again, for now the site loads much better than before, and I can enter the WP-ADMIN, the only thing that does not work correctly are several images that are not displayed, and the other pages of my WordPress site get the Internal Server Error 500. This is the biggest problem I have tried to fix and which has made me create several hosts but nothing.


As this is an English forum, please type in English or use an online translator.

Please make sure that the images are uploaded, and in the correct directory and setup in WordPress properly.

Per the HTTP500 errors, please enable error messages (Control Panel → PHP Config → Error Messages) then reload the page and let us know what it says


Hi Wasttord,

Changing siteurl and home values are the first steps to migrating a WordPress website, images and other uploaded media resources are linked instead of referenced, meaning they still carry the old hostname in the content of the post, therefore your need to update those as well. Frankly updating one by one is daunting, so there are some tools that helps you achieve this.

Before proceeding with more info, are you familiar with MySQL queries or you prefer no-code solution?

No Code solution 1

Install Elementor, skip the on-boarding process by going back into wp-admin dashboard, then go to Elementor > Tools, and there should be a part where you can do a “find and replace” on your entire site. Put in your old domain and new domains to complete the process and your site should work.

MySQL solution

Run the following MySQL commands in phpMyAdmin, check table names and domain names before performing any operation. You might want to take a backup just in case things do go wrong. People DO make mistakes.

Replace with your current WordPress address and with your new WordPress address.

UPDATE wp_options
SET option_value = replace(option_value, '', '')
WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';

UPDATE wp_posts
SET guid = replace(guid, '','');

UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '');

UPDATE wp_postmeta
SET meta_value = REPLACE(meta_value,'','');

There are more solutions depending on your situation.


Hola Wasttord,

Cambiar los valores de siteurl y home son los primeros pasos para migrar un sitio web de WordPress, las imágenes y otros recursos multimedia cargados están vinculados en lugar de referenciados, lo que significa que todavía llevan el antiguo nombre de host en el contenido de la publicación, por lo que es necesario actualizar esos también. Francamente, actualizar uno por uno es desalentador, por lo que existen algunas herramientas que le ayudarán a lograrlo.

Antes de continuar con más información, ¿está familiarizado con las consultas de MySQL o prefiere una solución sin código?

No Code solution 1

Instale Elementor, omita el proceso de incorporación volviendo al panel de administración de wp, luego vaya a Elementor > Herramientas, y debería haber una parte donde pueda “buscar y reemplazar” en todo su sitio. Ingrese su dominio anterior y los dominios nuevos para completar el proceso y su sitio debería funcionar.

MySQL solution

Ejecute los siguientes comandos MySQL en phpMyAdmin, verifique los nombres de las tablas y los nombres de dominio antes de realizar cualquier operación. Es posible que desees realizar una copia de seguridad en caso de que algo salga mal. La gente SÍ comete errores.

Reemplace con su dirección actual de WordPress y con su nueva dirección de WordPress.

UPDATE wp_options
SET option_value = replace(option_value, '', '')
WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';

UPDATE wp_posts
SET guid = replace(guid, '','');

UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '');

UPDATE wp_postmeta
SET meta_value = REPLACE(meta_value,'','');

Hay más soluciones dependiendo de tu situación.



Using Elementor on free hosting is not recommended


Hi KangJL,

For this case, he/she doe not need to load the editor, just take advantage of that find and replace feature and can uninstall.



Downloading the whole database, using notepad++ to “find and replace all” will also achieve the same outcome


That’s also viable :+1:


On a default WordPress setup, there should not be a need for a search and replace feature, because the Website URL setting should be used correctly. But if you use Elementor, Elementor copies the website URL in many locations, making it necessary to have a search and replace feature.

Using Elementor to solve a problem created by Elementor is not a good idea.


lol :joy: kinda fun to read this

Most page builders also fail at handling migrated URLs due to them storing the rendered version as text in the database, rather than something that resolves as a reference.


That’s what I meant by “a problem created by Elementor”.

Also, I would assume that Elementor only fixes their own data, as indiscriminately editing data from other systems risks breaking things.


Unfortunately not, they replace any string occurrence found, and yes sometime it does break things, which is not good.

The whole Elementor thing has a hidden assumption where they’ll think people have to only stick with their solution rather than having different things work together. Things have changed drastically once they become targeting $ rather than UX.


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