New website not working properly

Hi, I just started my new website as the last one was possibly having attacks and hitting the hits limit. So I had to start all over again.

I have the same website but now all the photo hyperlinks and drop down menus arent working properly. Its the same site but now for some reason its not working like the last one.

I tried reloading the website in case there were things not loading correctly and also made sure all my browsers were updated.

Heres a screen capture of what im seeing I circled the symbols Im seeing where its suppose to be a photo with hyperlink.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this or just get my website to run like it was before?

Thanks so much for your time and help! :heart:

Website URL

(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)

Error Message

(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)

Other Information

(other information and details relevant to your question)

Ensure that the images exist in the first place. For every image in your HTML webpage, kindly check if a typo exist in the source path (i.e: inside href attribute).

It’s all we got, for now. It’s impossible to find the exact cause of issue without providing the website’s URL address. Be careful. The websites whose links were exposed in the forum were recently targeted and attacked by attackers.


Are the hyperlinks updated?


User can’t provide their URL, this attack is still ongoing and it has affected another person today.

True, providing the URL can help, but very kindly refrain from doing so/asking so.

Good approach, as long as the site is on a new account and you don’t share the URL, you will be fine.


I have checked your site but I don’t see any broken assets. Could you maybe check the page in private browsing mode to see if it is maybe a cache issue?


When i first started here, things like Capitalization and file paths were the reason things did not load correctly.

If i am embedding an image with this string;
<img src="Wallpapers\img (1).png"></img>

and the file name and path of “wallpapers” is;
<img src="wallpapers\img (1).png"></img>

than it will not load correctlydue to the capital “W” in the file path.

another mistake i make alot is not using end of line statments like a semi-colon ;

and another mistake i make alot is not closing html/css tags with the / symbol, for example:
<div><p>Hello World</p></div>


Thank you everyone for the replies and advice. Im going to look into all these suggestions and see if they work. Ill let you know what I find… I hope I find a solution and it just starts working again.

Talk about an annoyance going through this website redo just because my old website was attacked and closed down.

If I were you, I would try to create multiple backups from my website, from time to time.


Yes, I agree and I do every time I make any changes. Thats what makes this so strange is that the old website that was working fine on the old site is now no longer working properly.

Im staying persistent with checking and deleting things from the design to see if it changes anything and Im sure I will find it soon to get my website back up.

Thanks for the reply! :slightly_smiling_face: