Need opinions about backup automation

I know that there is a FAQ which shows you how to back up your site (including databases). I read the part about " Note about backup scripts". But, this seems to be specific to CMS applications or plugins.

I also know that automated backups are part of the Premium Hosting plans. But, would it violate any of the InfinityFree rules to write my own backup script in PHP to automate the process for my own websites? My script would export my databases and create a zip archive of all my sites and put it into a “backups” directory. I would then use an app like WinSCP along with a Windows Scheduled Task to connect to my site once per week and download the archive.

I am asking first because I don’t want to get suspended for doing something that is prohibited.

Is it OK to use your own automated backup scripts / methods?

You are more likely to hit the limits:

  1. Compressing files into ZIP is going to hit the RAM and I/O cap limits.
  2. If ZIP file’s size reaches over 10MB then it is going to get deleted (and render the whole energy on creating backup useless.)

If you are capable of doing this then why not code something which runs on your computer in order to connect to FTP and dowlnoad the files then create ZIP archive of them?


I was doing some experiments but, I thought I would stop and ask first. Because I thought I might get my account suspended. Good point about the I/O limit. I will have to keep a close eye on that. I could probably “chunk” the archive to keep it below 10MB per file.

A good idea. WinSCP is scriptable. The only thing it doesn’t get is the mysql databases. I’m still working out that part.

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I also think it is a very good idea, because it wouldn’t be affected by the IO limit, as said by the Admin in a different topic:


Thanks for your feedback guys. I appreciate it.


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