Need help integrating a mailtester API

### Website URL

for this API : REST API • MailTester Ninja

I will need your help to do an API integration of this mailtester

What exactly do you need help with?


How to Do an API Integration: Beginners Guide [w/ Tutorial] (
you can get started with this. I don’t think someone here will spend their time doing that for you.


REST APIs are pretty simple: there are URLs where you need to send certain data in a certain format, and you’ll get certain data in a certain format back.

To integrate it, you’ll need a HTTP client, and code to integrate the relevant API features in your application.

For the HTTP client, you can use raw PHP cURL functions, but those are quite clumsy. I recommend to use the Guzzle library instead for this. Sometimes even an API library exists which does all the REST communication for you, so you can just talk PHP with the library.

As for the integration code, that’s just software engineering. You need to determine for yourself what the integration needs to do, and write the PHP code to make that happen. There is no one-size-fits-all answer for this, it all depends on what you’re integrating it with and what it should add.


Thanks you :slight_smile:

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