Neat! circumvent GUI restriction to use # redirect URL feature

the regular cPanel actually allows via GUI to redirect a URL to another URL which contains the # character.

That # is neat in that it keeps every string behind # local. in other words, the remote webserver does not know about the trailing # stuff.

for a working demo click the link:

here is a good application: Zero_Bin keeps the crypto key from the URL strictly local after # - meaning the server cannot hand over your key to any 3rd party such as … you know who. :policeman::male_detective::guardsman::man_pilot:

Ideally, infinityfree might consider lifting the # restriction unless there are legit reasons for keeping it.

So essentially, you now run your own URL-shortener like is an example of.

example: redirects to

If you use cPanel to configure that redirect, it will often times reject any URL containing # for spurious reasons. So in order to achieve the trick one has to manually edit the .htaccess file via ftp or the filemanager from cPanel such that e.g.


redirectMatch 301 ^(.*)$
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