My website redirect to another but i cant remove the ridirect

Website URL

Error Message

not a error but redirect

Other Information

ADMIN plz can u find how this is happening

The website is redirecting you, because the only thing on the website on our end is an HTML file that does a redirect.

To fix this, simply remove the current HTML file from your website, and upload your desired website instead.


there are no such html file i cant find it. also i use namelessmc and it use php

Search all code with “” and when you find it, remove the 302 redirect


If you check your website folder, you will see that there is only one file. And if you check the contents of that file, you will see that the only thing there is a HTML redirect:


That’s a different domain than your original post, but the situation is similar. However, for this case, the HTML redirect is found in the index.php site.

And that doesn’t look like it should be the main index page of NamelessMC.

So I suspect that someone may have hacked your site and inserted this code.


cant u solve this for me i know someone hacked me and ask for money :<

Take note this is free hosting. Do it yourself.
If you want others to do it for you, get paid/premium hosting


i guess thats right and the website doesnt redirect now :>

If you’re worried that this might happen again then there are a few precautions you can take

Don’t allow anybody to use your computer

Install the free antivirus from if you have a windows computer and scan the system in case you have any keyloggers installed

Change your wifi password, change your infinityfree account and ftp passwords


Deleting the redirect files I specifically pointed to is a good start. That will at least stop the redirect.

After that, reset your client area password and reset your hosting account password. If the attacker hasn’t put a backdoor in your website (which is by no means guaranteed), you should be safe for now.


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