My website is redirecting somewhere else
please check
Your website is showing InfinityFree’s default page to me:
Where are you getting redirected, and what do you expect to see?
For me your website works fine and shows InfinityFree’s default page, as @ChrisPAR also saw.
Please also note that if you created your website recently it might take up to 72 hours for it to work:
it was showing fine until this afternoon
You’re still not telling us what should display. We can’t help you if we don’t know what the problem is.
It may be related to the outage (where you originally posted this), but we can’t be certain if we don’t know what you had and what you expect to see.
I installed wordpress and setup a template as well made all the edits and now I see nothing on my website
Ah, I see. This is most definitely related to the outage, then:
Unfortunately there’s nothing you can do but wait for the maintenance to be completed.