My website is parked on the lovestoblog.com …again, please help.
This happens after I have been trying to install an Astra Website Template. I am unsure whether that is the cause, but maybe you may have an idea.
Another problem that seems to refuse to go away, is SSL issue, sometimes it’s on and off… Please help.
No issue, try clearing cache and check again.
If you’ve just created your account, or just added a new domain name to an account, you may be surprised that you are unable to view your website when using the domain. Instead you may see:
An advertisements page, with ?z being added to the URL.
An error saying “This site can’t be reached”.
This is usually caused by a system called DNS Caching. This article explains how DNS Caching works, why your website isn’t up yet and what you can do to see your website right now.
When will I be able to …
This is also likely related to your browser/DNS cache. Clearing them, and using different DNS resolvers as suggested in your previous topic should help:
June 21, 2023, 8:07pm
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