December 30, 2023, 3:47pm
Website URL
( )
where xxx was my data
Error Message
My website after creation show this info, I cannot access wp-admin panel…
Other Information
After WP creation using softaculous my website won’t let me login to panel…
December 30, 2023, 3:55pm
Welcome to the forum!
If you just created your website, this is why you are seeing that screen:
If you’ve just created your account, or just added a new domain name to an account, you may be surprised that you are unable to view your website when using the domain. Instead you may see:
An advertisements page, with ?z being added to the URL.
An error saying “This site can’t be reached”.
This is usually caused by a system called DNS Caching. This article explains how DNS Caching works, why your website isn’t up yet and what you can do to see your website right now.
When will I be able to …
When I visit your website, it works but it redirects me to the InfinityFree Error 404 page. I believe this might be because you don’t have an index.html or index.php inside of your htdocs folder.
While working on your website, you may be redirected to the InfinityFree 404 error page . This article explains why this typically happens and what you can do to fix this.
Why do I get a 404 error
When you try to access a file on a website, the server tries to find the matching file to load. By default, it works like this.
Suppose you have a website which is linked to the folder htdocs in your hosting account. If you then try to load a certain URL, like…
January 6, 2024, 3:55pm
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