My site

Hi why my site opens with a delay ???

What do you mean by opens with a delay? Is it slow?

Also, which site is yours actually?

my site slowly opens

Hello again @Igisimbaev. In most of cases sites on InfinityFree tend to open very fast. I am not sure what causes it, but it may have been because of XenForo forum script. It’s heavy PHP forum software which may be explanation to loading delay of your site.

Another thing, maybe you have some heavy plugins installed? Usually PHP scripts by itself are not laggy and they are optimised, but sometimes community-made plugins make lag or slow load.

Also, i wouldn’t say that this is a big loading delay, i have seen alot worse examples. For me it loaded in few seconds, so it’s not a really big delay. But if you ever want to have faster and better hosting that doesn’t have daily hits limit or iNodes (Amount of files you can store on your webserver) limit, then you can switch to our XVHost Premium Hosting . I can tell by my own experience, it’s very great and there are WAY more features than on InfinityFree.

If Xenforo hard drive, then a light engine of forum ???

Hello again @Igisimbaev. I cannot exactly understood what you are trying to tell us. I suppose that you are asking if Xenforo is light forum engine? I am not sure because i have never used it.