(Hello sir ,. This page isn’t working185.27.134.10 redirected you too many times. Try clearing your cookies. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
What i do, i don’t know
I am checked all methods to fix this like “clear browser data, cookies, etc” i am also try used in Private tab same error & i am checked in other browesers too
Nothing, i just hosted one my source & i am multiple times Changed my password then now it’s showing like this, now even it’s didn’t access my myphpadmin panel
If you changed the password within the last 24 hours, it might not have updated on all of the Services yet. If it does not work in the next 24 hours, please try changing it via the Client Area. Please use the Client Area to better ensure that the password is changed everywhere.
It should. However, you must be patient if it does not.
Also there is no need to @mention me, I (or whomever else) will see this topic when they are available.
I think infinityfree admin must take action for this bad bug
Because so many users trouble shooting this issue #Fix this issue of Myphpadmin panel loading issue
I have checked your account and I can tell that you haven’t followed the instructions from the article.
Please reset your hosting account password through the client area, then login to the control panel and then open phpMyAdmin.
I can see the client area password is out of sync, which means you used the password reset functionality in the control panel. The control panel password reset functionality is broken and you should never use it. You can always view and change your account password through the client area.
I wish I could disable that function entirely, but I can’t, so the best I can do is provide tools and instructions to work around. So that’s what I did, and the tools and instructions work. Please use and follow them, because they will work for you too.