My just started website is down (How long does it take to become live?)

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL


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Error Message

None - it just doesn’t load.
(please share the FULL error message you see)

Other Information

I bought SSL with my domain registration from namecheap. I don’t know if that makes a different.

I uploaded an “index.html” inside the htdocs folder, using the cpanel file manager.

So, how long will it take to go live? Please help… thanks.
(other information and details relevant to your question)

Okay - NOW it’s just given a non-https warning, I clicked past that and my index page is now showing.

How do I enable HTTPS mode?

You have to install the certificate in the control panels SSL/TLS section.


Hi, I applied InfinityFree’s free SSL certificate using the automatic configuration, and that was 2 hours ago. How long does it take to work?

I’ve posted a specific post about this second issue (SSL). So, please feel free to close this thread, as the original topic is resolved. Thanks.

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