I cannot Edit the CSS and one of the CSS file is not getting Applied which is for the Login and register page .
I literally deleted the CSS file from file manager and the website is working without it I want to edit the css please help me
When you are doing front-end changes, you should always delete your cache. You can easily do it by “HOLD SHIFT KEY + CLICK REFRESH PAGE”. That will clear the cache on the page you just refreshed.
this is not always true as there seems to be a bug in some browsers (firefox is one of them) that refused to clear css from its cache, it’ll clear everything else but not the css
this is why I had to create a solution using php to append the css file creation time to the end which causes firefox to reload and cache the change
this 1 line of php will guarantee that the browsers take notice of the css changes and it also means that people visiting your site will see the css updates without the headaches of trying to force their browser to clear and update the changes