Minecraft Server and Domain

Hello! I have a Minecraft server and an Infinityfree subdomain (specifically a .rf.gd) and on the website I have everything related to the server and I would like the server IP to be with the domain something like play.megaserver.rf .gd but for that you have to put some A and SRV records and it cannot be done in the InfinityFree free plan. It was in case someone had a solution or a way to do it or if there is simply no way to do it. Thank you

As far as I know the only way to do this is with a custom domain name, I don’t think its possible with infinityfree free domains


Just like lovebug said, free subdomains can only be used with InfinityFree. You may be able to get sub-subdomains working with CNAME records, but certainly not A records.


This. You can usually emulate the A record behavior with CNAME records. For SRV records, no such luck I’m afraid.


Okey. Thank you!

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