Lost forum forever

Website URL

My website does not deserve to hit the hits limit!

Error Message

None, but after installing a Flarum extension I am stuck at an update page and the MySQL password is not working for the “Database password”.

Now I’ve lost my forum forever! :sob:

Other Information

Here is the screen I am stuck at:

Flarum just update to ver 1.8.8, I’ve just successful updated and you can too, now view your password @ htdocs/forum/config.php

Did you try resetting your MySQL password from the client area? Also, please don’t ping specific users to try and get help. That’s annoying at best and spammy at worst.

That wouldn’t be very helpful in this instance. The config file will show you the password Flarum is trying to use to access the database, but it doesn’t automatically know the correct database password.


I was copying and pasting the password from my InfinityFree client area into the box

Have full db infor in that file. I forgot db password too and I updated to ver 1.8.8 via that way.

No, that’s not your db pasword, your db password in the config file.

There is no /forum/ directory in /htdocs/!

The PATH of your forum, /htdocs/forum is example PATH.

My forum’s back after using the database password from the config.php file in /htdocs/. Hurray! :tada:


Next time, please refrain from tagging people for no reason; it’s obnoxious and unnecessary. Thank you.


Do not ping people in your posts like that. If someone believes they have the answer to your question, they will come and help you out.

Do it again and the post will be flagged and removed.


I edited the post at the top so that it didn’t have all the mentions.

There was no need to edit - the problem is that the people you tag receive a notification…Some even by email that someone has tagged them.
After a few hours after they received the notification,
what is written now, unlike what was written, is no longer important - you have already annoyed them in some way :slight_smile:


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