Loopback Issue on Localhost

This right here. My comment could be deleted for this, because it’s not related to InfinityFree.
I’m creating a site with Wordpress using the latest version of Xampp and I’m having exactly this problem:

Important: HTTP loopback connections are not enabled on this server.
If you need to contact your web host, tell them that when PHP tries to connect back to the site at the URL http://localhost/MI_WEB/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php it gets the error cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10009 milliseconds with 0 bytes received. There may be a problem with the server configuration (e.g. problems with local DNS, mod_security, etc.) preventing connections from working properly.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this locally? Thanks in advance!

I saw no issue on my localhost.

Did you have any system firewalls configured?

BTW, such topics can go into Informal safely. No need to hijack a random documentation.


Does this help?


Thanks for your reply @Frank419 , I’m new to the forum and I wasn’t sure how to post this question properly. If you meant on Wordpress, no, I don’t use firewalls there. If you meant on Windows, I just have Windows firewall. Thanks again!

First of all, thanks for moving my question to the right forum. I will take a look on that article, thank you very much!

Hi pauloncha,

If you can access your website in browser localhost, then you have no issues with firewall. Since you can see the browser version of the error message, this is known to be OK.

The error message shows that it took too long to load a loopback request, this can mean a lot of things. The most common one being your WordPress installation might have too many plugins that took process when admin_ajax is called, or your computer is simply not powerful enough to process a huge amount of web requests at once (that’s normal because that’s the duty of a server).

Try a clean installation of WordPress and see if this is still occurring, if so, you need to adjust Apache settings to allow more connections or upgrade hardware. You can check if your website homepage is taking quite a while to load. If that took more than 3 seconds, then most likely it’s processing power issue and you might have to ignore on this to proceed with development.


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