Looking for some ideas

Hi! I’m a wordpress Developer. So Can You guys give me some Ideas for a Service Related tech website. I’ve no ideas Right now. But I’d like to work on a website.

Is there any subject you would like to write about? Or maybe you are particularly knowledgeable about? That’s a good start.

If you just want to work on WordPress websites but don’t have any content, maybe you could consider doing freelance work and help other people with their websites? Then you don’t need to worry about content, and maybe you can make some money too.

And if you just want a pet project to play around with and don’t care about the content, just write (or generate) whatever content you want. You specifically referred to “service related tech”, and while I’m not sure what kind of websites you actually mean with that, it’s at least some direction you could start with.


I mean Like Minecraft Hosting Services (It’s a Tech service related website) Not only that there are so many, I want Ideas like that But My brain isn’t producing lol. If You guys know about any successful Ideas Plz let me know…

The help you can get in this forum is limited. I highly suggest you should use an AI for that matter especially if you just want to generate ideas in quick manner. You can also ask the people on Reddit and Quora.


this is not really tech service but would be an interesting project

a space themed website offering
vacations on mars
travel in safety and comfort in our latest starships
tours to all the interesting martian locations
plenty of sporting activities at 1/3 earths gravity



Probably not the answer you want to hear, but please consider that if people have ideas for potentially successful websites, they probably want to build it themselves and not just give you the ideas for free so you can capitalize on their creativity.

Also, if you also plan to write content for that website, you should probably stick to subjects you’re knowledgeable about.


Oh thx for that reply. Anyway I started my website

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well my original post was flagged because it contained a link. look up FakeClients and they can give you a detailed brief for all types of things including web design!

FakeClients was my go to when I was creating my portfolio website. You can also use ChatGPT, or another LLM and ask for a client brief for web design, logo design, graphic design, etc.

Hi Albe, So I’m not that stupid to belike that anyway thx for reminding me

I used but I think ppl here helped me a lot