Le parked domain

Hi InfinityFree,
(I’m sorry if I bother you again.)

My site (x.epizy.com) is taken down pernamently, due to the fact that I’ve “violated the ToS” ;(. (Never mind, I’m fine, I’ve moved to a new host.)

The problem is, though, my domain (84436.cf) has been sticked to that account, and now I can’t get it out to park it on my new host. Is there any way to get my domain back? (Apart from waiting for 90 days until my old account is deleted and hoping that the domain automagically unpark itself?)


Hello @84436.

Did you got simply suspended or banned pernamently? There is a huge difference between a suspension and a ban. And if you got banned because you violated the ToS, there must have been a reason why you got banned. What kind of content you were serving in your website?

About your .cf domain, simply change nameservers to new host to get it working over there.

I am sad to see you leaving, maybe you were simply suspended which occurs often because it is a brutal system but it helps us keep our hosting away from the bad guys.


Thanks for your reply. FYI, I was actually banned. (Don’t ask me for the reason. Seriously.)

Just for clarification, I’m telling “my story” again from the beginning:

  • I registered the domain 84436.cf at Freenom
  • Then, I signed up for an account at InfinityFree, and I parked 84436.cf on x.epizy.com. Everything was beautiful and lovely then.
  • One day, my account (x.epizy.com) got banned (again, don’t ask why.). I could not go to cPanel and unpark that domain. I was so confused and shocked that somehow I signed in to My Freenom, and delete the domain 84436.cf
  • Right after that, I tried to registered again, but Freenom tells me that it was taken by someone (or something). When I tried to go to 84436.cf again, it shows a placeholding page with some text-only ads.


Normally, that would NOT happen immediately to a domain that is unregistered. So, I assume that the domain is stuck in the cPanel or your server-something. (It’s actually not related to the cPanel itself; I just don’t know how to express that properly.)

Any idea?

I don’t know exactly what caused this problem, but I do know that it’s not something we can fix. Your domain is currently using the nameservers from rookdns.com and pointing to one of their IP addresses as well. If the domain is still in your Freenom account, you can simply change the nameservers and point them wherever you want. If the domain is not in your account, it means the domain was taken by someone else or was reclaimed by Freenom.

Anyways, your first priority should be to regain control over the domain through Freenom.

Good news: I’ve got my domain back! :smiley: I submitted a ticket to the Freenom support desk the same time I last reply to this thread (which is definitely not now), and they magically got the domain back. :wink: (I mean magically by the fact that they got the domain which is technically not mine; it was someone else’s, who could be an ads agent, I think.)

Anyway, sorry if I bother you again, this is not your problem at all, but thank you very much for the support I’ve had from you from the very first time meeting InfinityFree to the last days saying goodbye. Once again, thank you Admin, thank you Mike, and thank you everyone else. :slight_smile:

P.S. This is (probably) my last reply to this forum. Btw, if I got some problem with general hosting config. or website coding (HTML5 / PHP), will I be able to get some help here?