Jetpack Not work

Hello I Like you Hosting but Jetpack Not Work for Wordpress

@moderators move category


Okay but Work Now :slight_smile: but only for Mobile Phone and View Visual And Olther i Like you Host but SSL I am an Italian blogger editor I am doing my personal blog here with collaborations and I have seen your host because I have heard very well

What? Maybe write in your native language and then run it through a translator, because I cannot understand what you’re having trouble with.


Va bene :slight_smile: Comunque volevo farvi tanti complimenti alla vostra community ho messo il certificato SSL tutto li ma è ancora non risulta funzionante il mio sito è

I meant type your message in your language into a translator and then paste the English translation here :slight_smile:

It looks like you chose the Self-Signed certificate, which clearly says “not compatible with browsers.” Please redo the issuance process but select another provider, such as Let’s Encrypt or GoGetSSL.