Tengo un dominio de google en Squarespace y lo quiero conectar a mi cuenta gratuita de subdominio de infinityfree, he creado un CNAME dentro de la adminitración de DNS de squarespace pero no se activa en ningún caso.
Eso es lo que he hecho pero me dice que la opcion de hacerlo a traves de CNAME es con la versión de pago de infinityfree actualmente estoy trabajando con unca cuenta con subdominio gratuita. Puede ser ese el problema?
That’s what I’ve done, but he tells me that the option to do it through CNAME is with the paid version of infinityfree. I’m currently working with a free subdomain account. Could that be the problem?
You might need to remove the part after the hash on the Name field of that record, leaving only the hash and nothing else, not even the domain, in order for the record to work.
For me your website works fine and shows the default welcome page.
If you’re visiting it through the www subdomain, you’ll also have to change the CNAME record for it so that it points to your domain and not infinityfree.com.
If it still doesn’t work, please clear the browser cache by pressing a few times Ctrl + F5 while viewing your website.
If that doesn’t help (because some browsers are stubborn) then follow these instructions: