Hi! In Infinity free, How much disk space Did I get? Is it unlimited or 5GB also I’m going to do a forum and project website
the storage for files is 5gb.
I don’t think that there’s a limit on the database size.
There will be a physical limit, even ifastnet doesn’t have an unlimited number of SSD drives
I’ll give you that one haha. I just ment that there’s no stated or enforced limit on a user level
What do you mean by Database also Can’t I extend it for free
the MySQL database.
Its a hard limit per account with Infinity Free. The only way to extend it would be one of the premium plans with iFastNet
Ahh I see. Thank you tho.
Databases are limited by activity, not size. If a database server reaches capacity, the account(s) with the most usage are suspended.
Well, they are limited by physical size…
Hold on, I thought there was a 400 Database limit?
400 is the max you can have. But there is no set limit on how much you can use/store in them.
Most websites do not even hit the 5GB limit — a limit that the ordinary website will never hit but a complex website can. Combined with the restrictions to the websites which offer file storage services, total number of inodes and file size, it makes it more difficult to hit that limit.
My website is a forum tho, It could