Is already assigned and in use.2

Hello there, I tried to add domain to my account and it gave me error message. please help! is already assigned and in use.2

I already search for solution but all fail. It is my first time create account and I set my domain nameserver to &

Is this domain used elsewhere? Most likely you need to remove it first from the other hosting.


Do you know how can I solve it?
Sorry I am a newbie.

If you have attached it already somewhere else than remove it from there or wait for admin to reach you.

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I see an even deeper history for that domain but I didn’t include it in the picture

I do not know… it may be that someone previously had that domain on Freenom and hosted it on ifastnet platform and abandoned it or abolished it by Freenom and made it available again for use by someone else (you).

Did you direct your domain to some hosting a month ago?
Or this is your first time directing a domain to some hosting ?

You can contact ifastnet and then you will confirm to them that you are the owner of that domain and then they will delete it from the system where it was before and then you will add it here.

It is my first time dealing with domain. Thanks for your help

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