Instead of nameservers, can I add CNAME entry?

Hi There,
I have my main website on githubpages and render. Is there a way, I can host blog of my site on infinityFree so to not change the nameservers but add only the CNAME entry. That can be done on 000webhost but they are not offering SSL on my custom sub domain.

Hi and welcome to the forum! Unfortunately, you can’t host a website on InfinityFree without changing the nameservers first.

That being said:

Looking at Render, I can see they offer free SSL with their plans:

If you want to host only a custom subdomain with InfinityFree, you can try changing the nameservers temporarily to ours to add the domain to the hosting platform, create the subdomain, then change back to the nameservers of the service you use and create an A/CNAME record for the subdomain:


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