(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)
Error Message
Nothing display
(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)
Other Information
I have created one .htaccess file in my files directory. I have one file login.php instead of index.php
(other information and details relevant to your question)
I’d suggest reuploading your page files seeing if that fixes it. I was uploading a few weeks back, when I had an internet outage and it caused a similar corruption of my page
I checked your website and I only see a 403 Forbidden now. You can find the article about that error here:
But if you only have a login.php but not an index.php, that’s completely expected. But no login.php appears to exist either right now, because the URL http://dass.great-site.net/login.php returns a 404 Not Found error.
I have modified and updated three php files including index.php. Even now also nothing displays. In Apache Netbeans IDE shows error free. I have deleted .htaccess directory. Because already there are three index files at the name of index.php, index.htm, and index.html.
Confusion. I am not able to rectify error and run domain successfully.