Hello I want to know if you can add imagick php extension on my hosting account epiz_27649086 https://souvlaki.cf because I have this message on wordpress site health screen
thank you
February 24, 2021, 8:15pm
Hi and welcome to the forum
No, we have no plans to support those things.
For image conversion, the GD library is available. I’ve never had to do any image manipulation code myself, but I believe GD does image resizing as well.
I’m not sure why Imagick is disabled, but as far as I know the majority of shared hosting providers block it so there must be a good reason.
system() and other shell command functions will never be allowed. From both security perspective (shells scripts are not affected by PHP sandboxing) and per…
imagick has never been installed and will not be installed. And note that it says “Warning The optional module”. It’s not an error (it’s a warning) and will not prevent you from installing WooCommerce (it’s optional).
The ZIP and ZLIB modules are related. They are both part of the same underlying library, which is one of the libraries which could not be built straight away. iFastNet is working on these.
Ok thanks but then how can fix this warning?
February 25, 2021, 5:52pm
You don’t need to do anything.
As of version 3.5, WordPress will default to using Imagick. If Imagick is not available or is unable to process the image, GD will be used instead.
March 12, 2021, 5:52pm
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