I discovered i have some issues with images. Basically, 2 images are loaded, one not. Everything works fine in vscode and opening file, but when I uploaded it to my site with filezilla, one image is just showing broken image. I checked it with inspect, everything seemed fine. I checked that permission thing, all these 3 images have same level. Name of image is same in file and in file explorer. I tried deleting and uploading file, didnt helped. When i typed .great-site.net/ui/icons/ in my browser, i got my image. But with .great-site.net/ui/icons/, it redirected me to 403 forbiden page. I have no idea what is difference between my first image file, and second image file. Of course image extension is also same, png and png. I have no idea what I can do. I will put a cut from my website.
Hello again,
I just realized that forum is deleting greater than and less than symbols. So links that I used for directly checking my images was mysecondsite.mysite.great-site.net/ui/icons/file2 and that one worked, but mysecondsite.mysite.great-site.net/ui/icons/file1 didnt and just redirected me to 403 forbiden page. I hope this will clarify.
I can try to give you some general information on why file URLs might not work. If you want us to be able to tell you specifically why your page does not work, please share specific links to the pages and icons, not just example placeholders.
Those symbols are not “deleted”, just rendered as HTML. The forum supports formatting posts with HTML, so if you type <example>
, then it will interpret it as a HTML tag and try to render it.
Either you can wrap it in code blocks or use a different delimiter to designate placeholders.
Be sure to keep a look at the pane on the right while writing your message to see how your post is being rendered by the forum.
Are you sure that the file names are EXACTLY the same? Please note that our servers, like almost all web hosting servers, run on Linux, and Linux case sensitive file and directory names. So if you have a file icon1.png
and Icon2.PNG
, then using the URL icon1.png
works but icon2.png
does not. Windows and MacOS do not have case sensitive file names, so that might explain why it works locally.
Directory listing is disabled by default for security reasons. You can enable it if you want using .htaccess rules, but we recommend leaving it disabled to make it harder for hackers to see your website structure.
I am sure they are same. I checked it, it`s same while checking in filezilla and while checking with filemanager.ai. As I said, I just made a import from my computer, to this place. While running it on my computer it worked, but as I said it wont work here. So I think everything that is on my side is working correctly. I know it’s sace sensitive, and it’s in lower case in filezilla and on filemanager.ai. And in code it was same, still checking in both filezilla and filemanager.ai. Images have the same size in terms of pixels, I made them, so only contents of these files was different. I have no idea why it only works locally. I will send a full screenshot down here
I made a second subdomain, I deleted most of my code, leaving almost only images. Here it is fortesting78262.rf.gd
I think I’ve found the problem: your first image’s URL contains a keyword that is blocked on free hosting! Here should be the solution:
Okay, that is it, thank you very much. I will fix that. I just used this name for a placeholder, so I think I am save. Again thanks
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