Iframe with Infinityfree

I want to have an Iframe for a PWA that mirrors my Infinityfree website, however when I do so I get this error :

Cookies are not enabled,

I now wonder how can I get through this ?
Is there a way to accept cookies through Iframe ?

Thanks a lot.

Please read


Thanks, tho I already knew about that, what I wanted to know is if there is a way to do so with free Hosting or will I have to use my premium account, anf if so how to do that.

Thanks beforehand.

I’m sorry, but there is not. As that article says, there’s no way to disable or circumvent the security system. You can however upgrade to premium which doesn’t have the security system.


Don’t know about the rules from the Infinityfree. To your response yes and no.

Iframe example code:

<iframe src="http://www.example.com" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>

If the code doesn’t work because of security policies you can go with xmlhttprequest (Not posting the code here).

That doesn’t solve OP’s problem because embedding a site hosted on InfintiyFree in an iframe doesn’t work either unless a visitor already has a security cookie. But that’s not what OP is trying to do anyway. They are trying to host a progressive web app, which is not something you can do on InfinityFree.


Ok, the user should go client-side coding then.

I’m sorry, but what exactly do you mean by that?