I need to get a webpage hosted. Can someone help me? This is my first time here at InfinityFree

Clearing your browser cache should work though.


After clearing the browser cache in Microsoft Edge, the form was successfully submitted to Formspree after I filled it in.

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So what must I do next? Get an SSL Certificate? Or is there else that I must do before getting that?

Now you can also get a SSL certificate to let your website’s visitors trust you, or do anything you want with your website, as now you have the freedom to control it. And for getting a SSL certificate it’s easy, just go on the “Free SSL Certificates” section of the Client Area and add a certificate!


Okay. I should have my SSL Certificate soon. I followed the instructions given. And clicked the button that would have my CNAME Records setup automatically. The DNS changes can take a few hours to take effect.

What can I do to make sure my connection to my website is secure? I see a “Not Secure” message at the top left corner of the website. When I clicked on it, I see a message in red that says: “Your connection to this site isn’t secure.”

There is a message below telling people not enter any sensitive information on the site because it can be stolen attackers.

Is this because I do not have my SSL Certificate yet?

After you installed the SSL certificate (you should be able to request it from the same page you found the DNS record to set now and then install it after some minutes), you’ll need to force your visitors to use HTTPS. This article will help you:

Then after you installed the SSL certificate and forced your visitors to use the HTTPS version that’s all there is to it!



I went into File Manager to edit the .htaccess file. When I clicked on the .htaccess file and edit from the dropdown menu, I see this message:

Create a new .htaccess file in your htdocs
directory (or example.com/htdocs/ directory)
to add your own rules or override these rules.

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm index2.html

ErrorDocument 403 https://errors.infinityfree.net/errors/403/
ErrorDocument 404 https://errors.infinityfree.net/errors/404/
ErrorDocument 500 https://errors.infinityfree.net/errors/500/

According to the instructions in the article you gave me, I’m suppose to add the following lines to the file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{HTTP:CF-Visitor} !{“scheme”:“https”}
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

What should I do about this? Should I create a new .htaccess file?

You don’t have to modify the .htaccess in your root folder, but you’ll need to go to your domain’s htdocs folder, then create a .htaccess file there and add the contents you copied from the article there.


Okay. I created a new .htaccess file. I went to my domain’s htdocs folder, then created the new .htaccess file, and added the contents from the article to this file. It’s in privatemoneyforus.com/htdocs/.htaccess. Please comfirm with me whether I did this correctly. What are the next steps I must take once I’m done with this? Will I need to upload this file once again using the FileZilla app?

*Also, I noticed that the “Not Secure” notice is still showing in the left corner of my website.

Thanks! You are reaaly helps me!

You only need to save the changes after you pasted those lines inside your .htaccess file; there is no need to download the file after you saved it and then upload it again. Oh, and make sure that the fourth line doesn’t have any space in between the quotes and the colon, so that line at the end will look like this:

RewriteCond %{HTTP:CF-Visitor} !{"scheme":"https"}

@lkaratak Hi and welcome to the forum! Glad to help you with what I’m posting there!

I"m going to have to go back to the file and put the contents from the article in there once again. I forgot to press the “Save” button before I closed the browser and turned off my computer.

I was just checking it on my Android phone when I got in my bed and content from the article was not there. I"ll correct it tomorrow.

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OK, take your time, but don’t forget to install the SSL certificate as I checked through HTTPS and got a SSL protocol error before you force HTTPS!

I had already installed it. I don"t know why I keep getting the “Not Secure” message in the upper left corner of my website.

Only issuing the SSL certificate doesn’t mean it is installed; you can always install it on your hosting account with one click when the SSL issuer validated the DNS records successfully after you requested it through the “Free SSL Certificate” section of the Client Area. You’re still seeing the “not secure” message because your website accepts connections with HTTP only, and not HTTPS, and it’s gonna be secure once you installed the certificate and forced your visitors to use HTTPS.

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Okay. I went through that process, I clicked on “Free SSL Certificate” and followed the instructions to getting a free certificate. Should I do it again?

I will also need to go back to the .htaccess file and put in the contents from that article. As I mentioned, I did it but closed my browser before saving it. I will do that later today.

After you see the record is propagated on that page, you can request the certificate (if you wanna go back to your certificate’s DNS status page click on the last SSL certificate record for your domain inside the “Free SSL Certificates” section of the Control Panel). Then refresh the page every once in a while until you see the install button, and click on it, and after you’ve done that you can save the .htaccess file with the changes you made! I’m sorry for the late reply, but I was playing a game.


I clicked on “Free SSL Certificate” and it shows the status as “Draft.” However, when I clicked on my domain name, (shown under the word "DOMAIN) I’m sent to a page where there is message in orange telling me that the account must be active to install CNAME records.

The certificate cannot be installed because the account is not active.

I then clicked on my username for my account. ( epiz_34350933) And now I found out why the account is not active. It has been temporarily suspended! It has to do with the hit limit. I went over or above the hit limit.

The message then says my account will be reactivated automatically in 8 hours from now. I don’t want to wait 8 hours from now!

The message then mentions iFastNet to migrate my website quickly and for free, even if my account is suspended.

There’s no way that you can speed up reactivation.If you really don’t want to wait for another 8 hours,as it said,upgrade to premium.
However getting premium doesn’t activate your infinityfree account,it gives you a new premium account at iFastNet.See

for more information.


That’s alright! I’ll wait the 8 hours. I can still have clients contact me through advertisements using my phone number and email address. But I need to know how I can help prevent my account from being suspended again.