I need to get a webpage hosted. Can someone help me? This is my first time here at InfinityFree


Please have JxstErg1 get back with me regarding the issue of the correct record for the IP address. I need to know whether or not the number I have circled in the top image in my last message to him was the one he said needed to change.

Good news! I no longer see the “Not Secure” notice in the upper left corner of my website! Connection is secure! And it’s still submitting my information form to Formspree!

Yeah, you need to change this one.

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You can honestly just delete the “ftp” record from Cloudflare, you will never use it, and it’s not needed for your website to function properly.


Okay. Which one is right?? I’m getting two different answers here. You say I should change it. Greenreader9 says I can simply delete it from Cloudflare and that I don’t need it for my website to work properly.

I also said you should remove it, you can choose either one of my choices (if you wanna remove it, do so; if you wanna change it then do so).

I thought you said to only change it. Okay. It looks like this is a decision I’ll have to make on my own. What affect will it have on my website if I keep it the way it is? And are there any other steps I should take to ensure security of my website?

It won’t affect your website if you keep it as it is. And to ensure security of your website, you should consider taking a look at the functionality Cloudflare has to offer. There is also a community guide on how to protect your website on Cloudflare:

(thank you @Oxy for this amazing guide!)



I was able to successfully create a new source with Logflare and has successfully installed the app on my website. My new source is: Logflare.cloudflare

Do I need to insert the IP Address Data Enrichment? If so, where would I find this information?

Please tell if I have each of these fields set correctly:

FIELD - Request Method

FIELD - Status Code

FIELD - Connecting IP


FIELD - Request URL

FIELD - User Agent

I never installed Logflare on my website, so for that I could make mistakes in this part. The IP Address Data Enrichment is optional; you can also skip that, also the fields are set up correctly.

Well, I wouldn’t want you to make a mistake. It’s very important that I get this done right. Ask Frank419 and Greenreader9 do they have it installed on their website and if either of them can assist me with this. Since the IP Address Data Enrichment is optional, I’m not going to worry about that.

Hi Frank419,

I’ve just created a new email address with clickable link for clients who have questions to ask me. I updated the code with the clickable link and the web capture image of website.

Do I need to submit these updated files to InfinityFree and then to Cloudflare? Or submit them directly to Cloudflare? Would I need to uninstall the Logflare app and delete the current files before replacing them with the updated ones?

Below is an image of the update website with the clickable email address link at the bottom.

I don’t think that you can ever upload files to cloudflare.Just upload them to ftpupload.net and it should be ok.

As for the LogFlare,I’ve never used it too.So I can’t help you with this and you probably wanted to ask someone else.
However cloudflare services should be smart and normally you don’t need other changes.

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I will have to resubmit the form to Formspree, Right?

Since the form itself isn’t changed(What you have changed is something that doesn’t belongs to the form),so you don’t need to resubmit the form.
Resubmitting the form don’t do anything harmful though,and if you find out the form isn’t working,you can resubmit it.

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For logflare, you probably don’t even need it. Unless you know what all the options are, what they mean, and what they do, just leave the default settings.


I got my questions answered on how to get the updated files to my website uploaded to Cloudflare by going to their community help forum.

I know that there are certain questions you all may be able to answer regarding the uploading of files to their website. And that’s okay. You can only answer questions you know the answer to.

Below is a web capture page of the questions I asked and the response I received that completely solved my problem. You may have to expand it to see it clearly. Clicking on it twice will expand it.

That’s…emmm… kinda similar to my response:

But thank you for sharing that anyways. :grinning:


Yes. But you did not seem like you were sure so I asked them. Anytime you say: “I don’t think,” that leaves doubt as to whether or not you are sure. But now that issue is resolved, there is nothing to worry about.

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