Please remember very well that a private key should be kept private at all times. Do not show it or share it or upload it anywhere other than the server or service your website is hosted.
And that string doesn’t look like any SSL private key I’ve ever seen.
The best thing I can come up with might be a certificate serial number, or maybe a key digest. Those should be pretty safe to share, but I have no idea how you would get a key that looks exactly like that.
Does the website for which you need it provide any more instructions on how you could obtain such a value?
No, this is not the real key. This is just a virtual key. I wrote it myself to show you exactly what I want. There is a public key right . I want the private key.
This key I wrote myself. I mean, I have a real key, but it doesn’t work, so I changed some letters from it to show you what I want. The important thing now is that I want the SSL private key that is sold in stores and it looks like this. SSL: 3s7sg7572yfgf6324f8uss00dod72s92egg29y57h3tu
As we’ve already told you, the “private key” you’ve shared is not even a key of any kind. Our SSL certificate tool generate valid private keys, but we don’t know why did you say “it’s not working” when your screenshot said that it’s working.
I perfectly understand that that’s what you’re asking for. But that’s a problem, because:
Private keys don’t look like that.
Private keys are not sold in stores.
Only certificates are sold (sometimes). But to get a certificate, you first generate a private key yourself, then generate a CSR from that private key, and send the CSR to the certificate provider to get the certificate. Again, private keys must be kept private, so they are not send to the certificate provider.
Your question just makes no sense to us and how we understand SSL to work.
So instead of repeating the same question over and over again, could you please check: