I can't Point BASE_URL to the root of my website

pls from the code below how can i point the base url to the root of my website, the ROOT_PATH works fine therefore my domain (http://yprinceznews.epizy.com) could view the index.php file however the (http://localhost/complete-blog-php/) address was the used while creating the project via XAMP.

i can’t fine any errors when i inspect the index.php page but clicking on any provide the 404 error and the page is completely separated from the image, includes, other files.

the main problem here is know the address that will best replace address in the BASE_URL below

// define global constants

define ('ROOT_PATH',realpath(dirname(_FILE_)));

define('BASE_URL', 'http://localhost/complete-blog-php/');

You have to change the BASE_URL to http://yprinceznews.epizy.com/

define('BASE_URL', 'http://yprinceznews.epizy.com/');

thanks a lot it works but the links where unable to work. when ever i login it redirect it back to the page…

below was the error i got after inspecting the page

Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response https://infinityfree.net/errors/404/ with MIME type text/html. See Chrome Platform Status for more details.

Please see this article for more information about that:



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