I cannot access the file on the server through my application

I want to pull the version data from this file in my website with the application I wrote with C#, no matter which method I try, the value comes as null.I think there is something like a protection on the server that makes it impossible to pull data from a different location please help

Yes, there is a system preventing it.
Read this documentation:


This is ridiculous, I have to buy premium. I just wanted to get the version information of my application from the site. Only 5 letters.

Our browser validation system blocks all script access. It doesn’t distinguish based on how many characters the response payload it.

This is just how free hosting works. It doesn’t mean you’re forced to pay for premium hosting, it just means that your version check can’t work exactly like you wanted it to here.

If all you need to do is return a version number, perhaps you can work around this by pushing the current version number from your website to another service where your C# application can pull from? You wouldn’t even need a full web hosting service for this, all you would need is to be able to read and write a single line of text from somewhere.


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