Я по ошибке удалил файл .htaccess. Теперь у меня не работает сайт. Но самое страшное - я не могу восстановить его, и Filezilla, и Total Commander, и ещё, наверное, сикстиллион FTP-клиентов, все они показывают мне ошибку в создании (иногда - перемещении) файла. Снёс к чертям директорию и восстановил её - присутствию .htaccess это как слону дробина. Так как мне восстановить его?
Hi and welcome to the forum! Please note that this is an English-speaking forum and so you must speak in English or at least provide an accurate translation of what you wrote. Since you didn’t do one of these I already translated it for you:
If the .htaccess
file you deleted was part of a CMS, can you tell which CMS your website is using so I can get you to a good route? Also, can you please share your website URL so we can help you better?
If your .htaccess
file wasn’t part of a CMS and were your rules, you should have learned to back it up before you deleted it, or at least remembered which rules it had.
First of all, thank you.
Secondly, it was standard.the htaccess file that is uploaded to the server by default.
That change shouldn’t have left you with a broken website, as this article says:
Plus you shouldn’t worry about it that much, also because I think you can’t even recreate it. Now, I don’t even know what sudden change made your website not work, so if you could please share your website URL and the error you’re seeing (if any) we would help you better.
The error is gone, now the file is not displayed. “Cool.”
And how?
I just checked your site and it seems to be working now, showing your test file.
Clear your browser’s cache to see the recent changes on your website.
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