HTTPS SSL not trusted by Browsers, not full certificate chain


I have been trying for several days, but I just don’t get it to work.
I am using a subdomain of (and therefore can’t make Cloudflare work with it.)
I tried all available ssl providers here but always the same error shows:


And it seems to be because the certificate chain is not complete, shows this, too.

I also tried uploading the rest of the certificate chain in the Control Panel but it won’t let me.

What can I do?

(I need it free, I think there are enough limitations on it so SSL shouldn’t be one of them (The hit limit, for example).)

Thanks in advance

  1. SSL chains are not supported here
  2. Online SSL checkers often return errors or claim issues due to the security system on free hosting
  3. Have you tried the SSL certificates offered for free in the client area? You specify you “tried them all”, but looking for clarification on what “all” is.

but my browser also shows the HTTPS error, it is from my browser, I wouldn’t have checked it if it wasn’t hardly accessible
yes all of them, let’s encrypt doesn’t offer it for my domain and the other ones all have the same error (Google, ZeroSSL, GoGetSSL) yes the SSL certificates offered for free and also the one from (same issue)

What is the domain name?


If it’s just my PC/Browser and you don’t get any error then it’s more or less alright I guess, although I’d like it to work flawlessly on all interfaces.

Your site seems to work fine for me, with no SSL errors.

Have you tried visiting your site from another device, browser, and/or network? Whatever the issue is, it’s either on your end or in between.


It’s valid and setup correctly, try using a different browser / device



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