Http error 500

Website URL


Error Message

( This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.


Other Information

(Everything works fine on my local server, but when I upload the project to the production host, I always get the following error:

'This page isn’t working. is currently unable to handle this request.

Why is this happening?
it’s laravel project)


I found the file causing the problem but to solve the problem I need to run composer install command from terminal but I don’t have permission to do that how can I solve that?

You can’t actively use Composer on free hosting. You can however run the composer command locally on your own PC and then upload the generated files onto your hosting account.


I usually do this and everything works but I don’t know why this time not
There is a file autoload_static that never loads. Every time I try it deletes itself

Did you take a look at this knowledge base article? The reason it’s automatically deleted will likely be one of the reasons listed in here.


I read this and when I try to separate the arrays into separate files and include them nothing works and then when I try to run composer dumb:autoload it resets everything again

If your website has a lot of libraries and you’re generating an optimized autoloader, then the autoload file can exceed the 1 MB file size limit, and get discarded when you try to upload it.

To work around this, you can use a non-optimized autoloader instead. You can do so by running composer dump-autoload, both leaving out the -o and --optimize-autoloader options, and by removing the "optimize": true option from your composer.json file.


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