I need help about to use PhpMyAdmin by Softaculous. I can’t access to my PhpMyAdmin installed
You can access phpMyAdmin from the MySQL Databases menu in the client area. Each database on a hosting accounts list of databases will have a button you can click to open it in phpMyAdmin.
Alternatively if you’re using the control panel, there’s a button specifically for it in the “databases” category.
phpMyAdmin installed with Softaculous is known to not work well. Please use the provided phpMyAdmin instance instead. See @EdwardHamHam 's post above.
Has nobody used PhpMyAdmin installed with Softaculous?
I need to use PhpMyAdmin installed by Softaculous
Why? What’s wrong with the PMA instance that is already provided?
There are, and as I said, it doesn’t work for them properly.
Yes, I did for about 2 min and I have up because it doesn’t work. The main install in your client area works many times better
In my experience, phpMyAdmin is quite difficult to setup in the first place.
Also, I’m pretty sure that phpMyAdmin doesn’t work out of the box with our hosting. I think phpMyAdmin assumes that you can get a list of available databases from the server, and that’s not possible on our hosting. Last time I checked, that broke phpMyAdmin.
If you want to use phpMyAdmin, I suggest to not install it yourself and just use our phpMyAdmin installation. And if you insist on having a database manager in your own website, you may want to have a look at Adminer, which is extremely easy to setup (it’s a single file!) and it worked perfectly with our hosting last time I checked.