How to uninstall wordpress

User name: epiz_25275675 or Website

(please specify the website or account you are asking about)

It said my website has critical error.

(please share the FULL error message you see)

I think it might be the cause of multisite configureation and latest update of WP

(other information and details relevant to your question)

so how can I uninstall wordpress, since I can not log in to wp-admin for any correction also,and there is not so much content in my website. I would like to uninstall the old one and install a new one.

If your WordPress was installed using Softaculous, you can use it to do the uninstall…

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uninstalled. now the problem is /wp-admin page can not be shown, but the website works fine.

Purge your browser and CloudFlare cache…

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thank you so much.


how to purge cloudflare cache? when click cloudflare, there is only domain name : …
and alter cloudflare.

Did you login to ?


You can delete it on Softaculous, you should open Vista Panel > Softaculous Apps Installer > All Installations (Right Upside) > you can delete it with click the :x: symbol.


still not working, logged in coudflare purged the cache, website is okay but wp-admin is not okay

What do you mean?
Unless you reinstalled WP, wp-admin shd not be accessible.

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yes, I reinstalled WP, I mean mywebsite/wp-admin is not accessible, which can log in to edit posts.

Pls rename .htaccess in /htdocs to .htaccess_backup.

Create a new .htaccess and paste the following:-


Try login now

Please try to delete the all permissions of wp-admin named folder or delete your subdomain from vista panel and create new one.

what? delete all permissions? what does that mean?

still not working, tried to replace the file with the one you give. It still show ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT and suggest clear cache, even if I cleared

You have to find out your source of redirect…

  1. Pause CloudFlare.
  2. Purge browser/CloudFlare cache
  3. Wait for 15 minutes.
  4. Login to wp-admin


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Since you’re using Cloudflare and WordPress, please make sure both are configured correctly to work together. This is our recommendation for doing so:


Do I need to enable CloudFlare ? now it shows

This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.


Your website is now able to load w/o https

However, wp-admin is still not accessible due to redirect…

Can you show your .htaccess contents?