How to transfer one domain to another

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Hey I bought a domain from freenom but they recently paused their service and my domain expired and I can’t renew it so I bought a new domain and I want to transfer the old WordPress website including the database to the new WordPress website

old website = = registered on infinityfree

new website = = not on infinityfree

Use parked domain section in cpanel…
Or first take backup of both htdocs and databases
Then link new domain to your account and then restore the backup and change the site url using WordPress database

You will also need to change your WP site URL in WP settings.


that’s the problem downloading htdocs is a massive problem

Pls help downloading the files in htdocs

You can’t use the online file manager to make large downloads. Please use a desktop FTP client like FileZilla.


Useless fails most of the time and takes a lot of time

and if I am using a parked domain how to order an SSL certificate for it? domain is expired does not have a Cpanel

What error are you getting?

Well if you’re downloading an entire WP installation, that’s expected. It’s also very dependent on your internet speed.

Then you can’t install a certificate. If this domain is not hosted with InfinityFree, you need to contact your hosting provider for assistance.


That’s the problem I don’t get any error

30MBPS Download speed


This is the recommended way to backup a website here:

Downloading an entire website over FTP can take some time, but you can generally just queue up the files and let FileZilla do it’s thing. You can also speed it up by increasing the number of concurrent connections from the default of 2 to the maximum of 10, which really makes the transfer five times as fast.

There is no other backup method I can recommend. If you’re having trouble using FTP, then let’s figure out how we can solve that. FileZilla has very good troubleshooting options, so there being “no error” can only mean you don’t know where to look.


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