How to put a project to work with codeigniter 4 with Database

Help, I need to upload a project in codeigniter 4 and I don’t know how to do it, I’m a novice at this and I would like to be explained in detail and in steps, there is a tutorial in this forum but I can’t understand it correctly. Please help

  • Upload all files using FTP.
  • Create a new database from vPanel.
  • Export database from localhost phpmyadmin
  • Upload exported database file in infinityfree vPanel.
    Simple… Feel free to reply if you need more help.
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to upload the FTP files is using the file manager?

and what about the configuration in the codeigniter 4 folders

Upload all your files in the htdocs folder!

Umm, update database details in your .env file? Sorry, I am a noob with laravel. Just know PHP for now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Do you know why I get an error when uploading several files at the same time?

What should I do to upload all the files at the same time?

it doesn’t even leave me with a .zip

Please use filezilla for this purpose. Since, you’re a novice, here’s a guide:


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