How to protect your website that is on Cloudflare plus Logs

I use a firewall rule that logs every request rather than use Logflare as IMO it’s easier to read

Are you talking about Cloudflare WAF?
As far as I know, you need to be an enterprise user to access logs (log push , instant logs, WAF payload, etc.).

If the rule hasn’t been triggered, then there won’t be any logs in CF FW.
Or do you challenge everything? so to some extent, you get some form of log?

Logflare records any request
and not just something that triggered FW activity (e.q. only block, allow, challenge)

In order for something to trigger FW activity there must be some rule in FW,
but how to write a rule if you don’t know what someone is looking for (vuln.scan) on your website? or trying something else not specified in your FW rule?
that’s why it makes sense to use Logflare.

I don’t know how it’s clearer to you
when the list of logs in CF WAF is divided into pages
page1-555+ and you have to click the mouse many times for a particular page
and it is difficult to take a step back …
and waits relatively long to load especially when you have more than 100 pages,
and sometimes a single page contains only two or three events instead of a full space.

If you are talking about an application level firewall plugin for WP and the like
it doesn’t make any sense to use it
because it only protects you in the sense that it is harder for someone to hack your WP because some attempts were rejected by FW,

but all requests still arrive on the server (this hosting) if you do not use DNS Level Firewall (Cloudflare and the like) and every bad requests will still increase the load on your server. Because it’s an application-level firewall which means in terms of DDoS or a large number of scans you lose 50,000 daily hits and that is not the meaning of protection.


I have a FW rule that if it’s not my ip, bypass hotlink protection. I don’t use hotlink protection so it doesn’t really bypass anything. However, this still logs the request. I find it easier to read because I can set it to see the IP, Action, and Path. If I scroll past a path that most definitely isn’t a real path, I can easily copy and paste it into a FW rule and block that path to prevent it from going to the server.


Or you can do what I do and log everything on the origin then check the logs and anything that is not a true path block. But both work just as well :slight_smile:


Thanks for explaining

I guess then you only see GET requests and not POST, HEAD, etc?

I put it to my test (hotlink should be disabled on CF)

so we’ll see :smile:

P.S. you need to wait a “X” time for CF to refresh the list (not in real time) so a few refresh buttons need to be pressed - to make sure it works

I guess this would work too

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Yeah, that’s basically how my rule looks like. Also, I looked through my logs and I can see GET, POST, and HEAD requests.


:red_circle: ignore this post - see the reason in the post below

In addition to everything mentioned at the beginning of the topic
it is preferable to add permission for only CF servers to access the origin

.htaccess (localhost was added just for testing on the local PC - if you use web server stack package)

# Only Localhost and Cloudflare 
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip
Require ip 2400:cb00::/32
Require ip 2606:4700::/32
Require ip 2803:f800::/32
Require ip 2405:b500::/32
Require ip 2405:8100::/32
Require ip 2a06:98c0::/29
Require ip 2c0f:f248::/32

The list is updated by visiting this LINK
and check if everything is the same as in your .htaccess and correct it if necessary.


The post above about .htaccess code and Cloudflare IPs, which was part of the article
is no longer possible to apply here on hosting.

The admin and I discovered “something” that led to recent changes on the servers.

Because of those changes, now there is no need to retrieve the CF-Connecting-IP (visitor IP) through a PHP script,
now the server does it by itself !

But for that reason, the specified .htaccess code can’t see anymore the Cloudflare server’s IPs - it sees the visitor IP
and if it compares it with the existing IP list → of course it will return 403.

I deleted that part from the article and an alternative solution was added
and I hereby thank the admin for that.


Interesting to read and get a better picture


For those who use Logflare
and watch logs live via public link (which you can put in bookmarks)

In Logflare Dash - you can create a new source (in addition to existing ones)

So create it :smile: call it, for example BAD_requests (no extra configuration just create that extra new source)

Then in the OLD source (your main one that you connected with e.g. Cloudflare and with which you view logs)

in it go to EDIT


and when you click edit, RULES will appear


click RULES

put this rule for routing m.response.status_code:>400
and under sink select the newly created source (bad requests)

Add Rule (save)

For a list of other rule triggers ( there are many related to Cloudflare / those with CF in the name ) click on “SCHEMA”

Go again to that new source (BadReq)
click EDIT and generate public access (generate path) and put a link in browser bookmarks

Why all the above? :joy: you must be wondering :exploding_head:

You can easily see all requests with a status (error code) greater than 400 with one click…
This means without logging in to Logflare you can easily view logs (requests) which are mostly generated by some malicious bots that are looking for things that don’t exist on your website or some other problem related to your code (useful for debugging and detecting problems), etc.

Example of “Bad” logs

So you have two logs, one for EVERYTHING and the other for ERRORS