My domain is added in infinityfree account as i poited Nameservers of infinityfree.
I have running blog in my, now i want to add my domain as custom domain for that blog of my
As when i added custom domain in blogger it shows cnames informations. So i already added CNAMES detials in my domain control panel. But still it is not connected on blogger.
(other information and details relevant to your question)
I already added dns records provided by blogger into domain dns records section of infinityfree. So i think it should be connected to blogger blog. But still linked with file manager of infinityfree, cause it’s showing directory list while testing site.
How much time it takes to effect added dns records? Its been around 3hrs. Is it may be not propagating new dns records l?
Actually, you can’t set CNAME records on @ on any well configured DNS system. CNAME at the root is not valid DNS.
Also, please note that we first and foremost provide a website hosting service. If you want to host your website with Blogger instead, that’s fine, but then I would recommend to use a provider that focuses on generic DNS hosting rather than website hosting. Your domain provider may have such a service, otherwise Cloudflare is always a good option.
Thanks a lot for replying. I agree its better service available here than blogger, but as my old blogger is 10years old and most post are ranked and well listed in google, so i am afraid to lost indexing after migration from blogger to WP. So i am trying to connect with blogger.
I just wanted to confirm,
As i added CNAME records provided by blogger
First of all, please understand that one specific domain or subdomain can only have the website hosted by one hosting provider. So you can host (or with us or with Blogger, but not at the same time.
So you have to make a choice: host the site with us or with Blogger, because you can’t do both at the same time.
So if this URL was hosting your Blogger site and you want to keep that in-tact, it means you cannot host the domain with us. And if that’s what you want, I suggest using a more fully features DNS host instead of making it work with our limited DNS controls.
And if you want to migrate this site to our hosting, then I would suggest to setup a blogging platform on our hosting (like WordPress) and migrate the contents of your Blogger blog into it, making sure the old URLs are imported as well. That way, the contents of your Blogger blog stay in tact (which means the Google ranking should as well), but you get the additional features of hosting your website with us.