*What I’m seeing is: **
My website is not SSL certified and is not recognized as a secure site.
I’m trying to use cloudflare, but by registering cloudflare DNS names on freenom the infinityfree hosting no longer recognizes the domain.
*I’m using this software: **
I’m using the freenom.com domain register, infinityfree hosting, cloudflare to get the SSL certificate, and WordPress to build my site.
*Additional information: **
I tried to get the SSL certificate in several ways, and none worked, including installing WordPress plugins, using sslforfree.com
How to integrate the 3 platforms (freenom, cloudflare and infinityfree)?
What is the correct way to get the SSL certificate for infinityfree hosting?
First of all, your domain is now not pointing to the right nameservers. Please change them to ns1.epizy.com and ns2.epizy.com or ns1.byet.org and ns2.byet.org from Freenom’s nameserver management panel for your domain. After that, wait 48 hours and try to re-add the domain changing the nameservers to Cloudflare ones.