How to clear server cache

I need to clear my server cache. Can you help me?

You can only clear browser cache.

Not possible


Browser cache already cleared. but i change CSS file not chnage.

To add to @KangJL’s response, clearing the server cache is not possible, because there is no server-side caching.

What is your website’s URL? What CSS file are you trying to view, and what are the changes you are not seeing? Have you verified your changes have been actually saved?


local server and host server css outputs are different :thinking:

If you could be more specific, it would really help.

We have no idea:

  • What your website’s URL is
  • What you expect your CSS file to be
  • What you are actually seeing

If you could provide us with those details, we’d be happy to check the issue for ourselves and try to troubleshoot it.

  • What your website’s URL is

  • What you expect your CSS file to be
    Image size does not change. I delete the style.css file and I check it. but no change anything for output.

  • What you are actually seeing

Host server

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local server

1 Like

Thank you. If I understand correctly, the issue is with the size of the GitHub Stats image?

This is how the site appears for me currently, on mobile (I hovered on the image so your grayscale filter was removed):

These are the CSS rules I see for the relevant section as well:

.clients-list1 {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
gap: 15px;
margin: 0 -15px;
padding: 25px;
padding-bottom: 25px;
overflow-x: auto;
scroll-behavior: smooth;
overscroll-behavior-inline: contain;
scroll-snap-type: inline mandatory;
scroll-padding-inline: 25px;

.clients-item1 {
  min-width: 50%;
  scroll-snap-align: start;

.clients-item1 img {
  width: 60%; /* Change width to 100% */
  filter: grayscale(1);
  transition: var(--transition-1);

.clients-item1 img:hover { filter: grayscale(0); }

Is this how it is supposed to look? If so, your browser may be stubborn. Try using Ctrl + F5 for a hard reload, or use a different browser and see if it displays correctly there.


mobile view ok. but the desktop view has no change.

Sorry, I posted the wrong CSS rules in my previous response. This is the actual rule I see on your website that is applied to the image:

.clients-item div img {
    width: 75%;
    filter: grayscale(1);
    transition: var(--transition-1);

Have you configured it differently locally?

If not, I think I may know what the problem might be.

In my previous response, I had seen that you had configured a rule for an image under a clients-item1:

.clients-item1 img {
  width: 60%; /* Change width to 100% */
  filter: grayscale(1);
  transition: var(--transition-1);

The GitHub Stats image however is currently contained in a clients-item li tag:

<li class="clients-item">
    <div align="center">
        <img src=";theme=radical&amp;show_icons=true&amp;hide_border=true&amp;count_private=true" alt="github stats">

Would changing clients-item to clients-item1 in your HTML give you the desired result, or is the issue something else?


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