I need to change my database password to a more stronger password…how do I go about it…changing the database password in my control panel and wp-config file…
I need to change my database password to a more stronger password…how do I go about it…changing the database password in my control panel and wp-config file…
Yes…I am aware of this snapshot…but the database password in the wp-config file is NOT THE SAME with my account password…
Does that mean the database credentials in the wp-config file is not related to my database?
Is your website working? If not, change the password for a start
My website is working…
I have changed my hosting account password…
I have reset the salts in the wp-config file…
I need to update the database password inside the wp-config
If you’ve installed WordPress with Softaculous, then Softaculous will create its own database users. It’s not possible to change this password, but you can safely change the configuration to use your hosting account (like if0_12345678
) and your new password.
Is the database password inside the wp-config file not relevant to my wordpress site?..
If changed, what will be the impact on my wordpress site?
I literarily just told you above that the answer is “No”.
You can use your new password, but you must use it alongside with your hosting account instead of the database user Softaculous created.
This means that you need to change two lines of configuration. One for the username and one for the password.
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