Error Message: “Apache Module mod_ssl is not loaded”.
Other Information:
I just need you to confirm that this free account really doesn’t have an email service/server. Because from my “Contact form” tests, and OSClass user registration email, nothing works, and the message is shown: “Apache Module mod_ssl is not loaded, SMTP authentication may not be functional”", even though the option to send email with a free Gmail account is properly configured. I know there is no domain name email, but there is also no SMTP server, no POP?
The only way is to pay an upgrade?
Thanks in advance.
The Apache mod_ssl module enables the Apache web server to handle SSL requests. We don’t have it enabled, because:
SSL connections are handled by a separate load balancer in front of Apache, which can handle the connections more efficiently.
This has no consequence for PHP code. And our PHP environment has all the modules for SSL connections and sockets which you should expect. That’s handled by the PHP installation, not with Apache modules.
Having an email account is pretty much a requirement for POP (and also IMAP). And we don’t have email accounts, so there is no mailbox to fetch messages from. SMTP technically doesn’t need an email account, but we don’t have an SMTP service you can use anyhow.
If the only reason you’d consider premium hosting is to get the email features, I would start by just using a free email account or SMTP service. Especially a specialized email sending service tends to work better than the email that’s included with a web hosting service. It’s their specialty, after all.
So you say that an automated message from an open-source system like Osclass doesn’t make any sense? I’m curious how they managed to program a “nonsense thing”.
That’s very easy. You could you just create a text file with the .php extension, and this code:
<?php echo "The server is not working!";
When you then run it, it will tell you that the server is not working. Does it mean the server is not working? No, the server is working fine, but the code is lying to you.
Code is made by people, and people make mistakes. So people can also make mistakes while writing code. It’s entirely possible that whoever wrote this doesn’t understand the difference between Apache modules and PHP extensions, and incorrectly assumes that Apache mod_ssl is needed for PHP to create SSL connections. That assumption is incorrect.
Looking at the screenshot, it looks more like a warning that a hard error to me. Assuming everything else is configured correctly, your website might just work.
You should check the instructions of your SMTP server provider, but usually, the settings to use are: