How do I upload my posts?

Username (epiz_29202073)

Hello I’m looking for a way to upload my posts (I used myphp) but all the plugins I have tried don’t work. I have converted the files to XML. Also I have a small update on the backup restore problem. I re downloaded wp and all the plugins are there but all my posts are gone. I tried to export my files and import them using the importers but they failed

Any fix?

Where do you currently have these posts? What kind of files do you have?

If you’re trying to migrate a full WordPress site, this is the best way to do it:

Or the same process described by WordPress:


If you have your backup, you can do this

They are currently in myphp and I have comments and user files that I want to import (they are on infinityfree)

You have files on InfinityFree that you want to upload to InfinityFree? Sorry, but i’m confused.

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So… you’re trying to merge the posts and comments from two WordPress sites, both hosted here? Do I understand it correctly?

What’s myphp? Do you mean phpMyAdmin?

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