How did inode go up by 4 in a single day?

How did inode go up by 4 in a single day? Before for past 1 month it was stuck at 771, now it’s at 775, see image below. What do I do to reduce it? I’ve read the artice about Inode system, yes, but i still don’t get it what I have to do to reduce it:/

in simple terms an inode is a reference to a file or directory so the only way to reduce your inode count will be to delete some unused / temporary files and directories

please note that the the inode usage value is only updated every 8 hours (sometimes longer if the hosting is busy)


Directory is the folder inside my main folder right?

yeah directory = folder inside your main folder / sub folders etc


So i have to decrease them? And do i decrease files inside each folder or not?

You are well away from the limit, I don’t think you need to be worrying about it unless you plan on making a major change soon.

But yes, every folder and/or file you delete will remove one inode. Note that it takes up to 8 hours for the inode counter to update.


Thanks. I was getting worried something wrong was going on my account:) I removed some files (around 50 of them that were useless imo, idk)

And I have like 16k inodes, and you are worried with only 775😅


I deleted like hundred to play safe​:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth: