How can I clean the url of my website since it comes out with some long prefixes and I don't know wh

How can I clean the url of my website since it comes out with some long prefixes and I don’t know why?
How can I clean the url of my website since it comes out with some long prefixes and I don’t know why?

After having my free hosting and configuring it completely, I noticed that my url has some annoying symbols

How can you solve the problem

Does anyone know how to solve this problem please? My url has long prefixes and that will affect the SEO Link

Can you give an example? Everything looks fine to me.


Are you referring to the way your WordPress permalinks are configured, like in this post?

What you’re looking for is probably the option “Post name”, which would make your URL contain only the name of the post without the date, but you can find more information on what options are available and how you can customize your permalinks here:


if you mean ?i=1


You could use the RewriteEngine in .htaccess (I don’t know if it works for WordPress, it works if you use FTP with HTML and PHP)

Yes, that’s right, friend


That’s a GET parameter, it really does not have any effect on SEO, and if it does, it’s probably so tiny compared to everything else taken into account.

Since you have a custom domain, you can use an external DNS provider like Cloudflare to remove it.


And how would you do it friend? And excuse me, I’m new to this website, that’s why I’m providing free hosting to evaluate the service.

It would be very helpful if you could explain to me how I could solve the problem as you say.


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