How can I change the root where the My CMS data is hosted?

Hello, sorry for the inconvenience because I want to know how to install a cms in infinityfree? Since I must change the root where the files are housed but it doesn’t work, I need it to stay this way so that the cms can be executed


which cms are you trying to install

and when you say changing the root doesn’t work what exactly is the error / problem you have


/htdocs is the root folder here, that cannot be changed. Just change the root folder in the database (assuming that’s where it is)


Our hosting doesn’t have a public_html folder, it’s called htdocs on out platform instead.

Changing the document root is not possible on our hosting. If you have a CMS where the document root is supposed to be a subdirectory of your website (e.g. with Laravel), you can work around that with .htaccess rules:


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