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please how can I fix this issue show my website

Hi and welcome to the forum! For me your website works fine:

If it doesn’t work for you, either try the workarounds on this article:

or try using a VPN. If it still doesn’t work, try contacting your ISP for help, as that might be the cause of the redirect you’re having.


yes it works with vpn but without vpn it doesn’t work

That strongly suggests it’s either a delay in DNS propagation (if less than 72 hours) or your ISP is blocking it for some reason.


The IP listed in the URL, is not an IP address owned by us. It appears to be registered by “Turk Telekom”? Is that perhaps your ISP?

If so, it seems that your ISP is blocking you from accessing your website, they are trying to redirect you to some other page they control, but that page doesn’t work.

You may want to contact your ISP to ask them what this page is about, and what you can do to make your website accessible. Alternatively, you may be able to use a VPN to bypass this block.


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